Friday, 9 November 2012

Persistence in Creating New Plans

"The majority of men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those that fail."
-Napoleon Hill

I'm going to be posting this quote on facebook a little later today. I love it because it identifies one reason that so many people fail at their goals.

It's not because their goal wasn't worthwhile.

It's not that they don't really want it.

It's because they take the first setback and make it permanent when goal achievement is really about realizing we may not know all there is to know about reaching an outcome -- but with persistence we will find our way through. Everything before that is feedback.

We should use it to stay on track.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

My 30 Day Challenge

"It only takes thirty days to change your life."

So I have been working on some significant goals this year. Still I decided to try the 30 Day Challenge prior to the new year myself. After-all, there's always more one can accomplish given the time and interest.

[Time can sometimes be an issue, but -- for me  -- interest never is. In fact, it's interest that gets me busy on something new that's good, but still off-track. But that's a discussion for another day.]

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Quit Quitting

Recently I came across someone in an online forum who said she was going to quit trying because every time she tried, she quit. Hmmm.

To me, there is more to be gained by continuing to try EVEN IF you find you're often quitting. From my perspective, to quit for good is a for-sure failure, whereas every attempt, even if unsuccessful, is simply another learning experience.

I have had a very busy year. I set some goals at the start and I haven't done all that I set out to do, but I have certainly completed a great deal. In fact, I can't believe how far I've come -- in less than one year. There have been switchbacks, obstacles, detours, setbacks, frustrations, insecurities, and much more, but ... what progress I've made!

At the same time, in a busy day/month/year/life, it's been hard to update the rest of you in a timely manner. Doesn't matter. I'm going to quit quitting.

Even if I am forever starting over.