Sunday, 5 February 2012

Making the Leap: Re-committing to Me

I've always loved goals and goal-setting. I love the fresh start that comes with milestones like a new year or a birthday -- or any other moment with the potential for reflection and re-commitment. When a dream sparks, it seems like anything is possible.

I've already accomplished some important goals. My education. My career. Getting through some serious life challenges. Even so, I've realized I've often been a wallflower in my own life. Afraid to live full-out. Afraid to go after my truest most biggest most scariest dreams. Life just has a way of ... getting in the way.

So here I am, doing something even scarier -- committing, in public, to (re)discovering and going after those dreams.

To be more specific, over the next one, two, three and five years, I plan to set a series of goals to challenge myself to create the life of my dreams. I don't mean a good life; that I already have. I mean the life I've always dreamed of having, a life that stretches me beyond my fears and limitations.

All of this is going to cost time, effort and attention. Some of it's going to cost money. Sometimes it might even interfere with my ability to make a living, and to be clear, I don’t have a safety net or a nest egg or a spouse, or anyone else, to help pave the way. It’s just me and a dream. A really big dream.


What dreams have you been neglecting? Would you consider dusting them off and joining me?

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