Sunday, 26 February 2012

A Case of Creative Distraction?

“If one advances confidently in the direction of one's dreams, and endeavors to live the life which one has imagined, one will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” -Henry David Thoreau

It's been several weeks since my first post for WallFlower Blooms. It took quite a bit of effort to get started on this personal goal challenge and, like any project, it's tempting to wonder whether the initial 'bloom' has worn off now that it's time to get down to the nitty gritty.

In fact, I started writing out my goals in the first key area -- Physical -- when I realized I really don't know that much about what makes for a successful goal. And, since I intend to be successful, I thought it important to take the time to find out. I've been quietly researching in the background, while also getting things up and running on Facebook.

Meanwhile, like Thoreau's quote, once I started advancing (somewhat) confidently in the direction of this first (physical) goal, things started to happen in other areas -- like relationships and financial. So, this begs the question: if one has not yet actually set the goals down in writing, does it count as 'unexpected success' to move in another area before the first goal -- or any goal -- is solidly in place?

Or is it simply a case of creative distraction?


  1. When you move, providence moves too, all manner of unforeseen help and circumstance comes to you. This is labelled the law of attraction but can be attributed to the work of your reticular activating system which processes your thoughts and generalises, distorts and deletes what is not in keeping with your current beliefs and of any relevance to you.
    Immediately when you set up a goal and give it due consideration and attention, nurture it. As it drops into the realms of the subconscious it now becomes live on your RAS radar and situations, people, events, experiences are now being "allowed" through for you to explore on the way forward.
    This is where the real fun choices begin and you are really creating, it is your choice now to decide which to go with and follow through on.
    Hope this helps, Allan at Success365.

  2. I meant to add, you are now a creation of my thinking and goal setting. Allan
